Search results for 'Axial rewinder':
Below is the list of the relevant search results found for the keyword 'Axial rewinder':
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axial rewinder - tecnoteam s.r.l
axial rewinder Slitter Rewinder BWT 306-04. c-306c taped axial lead forming machine Automatic loose/taped axial diodeesistor lead forming kinking machine RS-907A Intro: This axial lead forming machine is used to cut, form and kink taped/loose resistor and diode.
center-peripheral and axial rewinder rotostar andreotti ...
Rewinder type: Automatic center-peripheral and axial: 1.05: Max reel width (mm) 1.400: 1.07: Max reel diameter (mm) 1.200: 1.08: Max reel weight (kg) 1.600: 1.09: Cores diameter (mm) 152: 1.10: Mechanical speed (m/min) 400: 1.11: Web tension range (kg) 7 - 70: 1.12: Materials: Paper, aluminium, plastic films (also extensible) and laminated materials: 1.13: Cutting in both directions
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axial winder - nit
axial winder 6-1000t-6 5,50kw ax61000t0550 1.000 46.407 11,90 5,50 970 71 ...
winder -
Combined circumferential and axial drive winder with integrated cross-cu... Read More. Master Roll Winder BWT 203-10. ... Support Roller Slitter Rewinder BWT 206-01. Bastian's Support Roller Slitter Rewinder BWT 206-01 produces perfec... Read More. Slitter Rewinder BWT 306-04.
jp2001163488a - multi-axial winder - google patents
Rewinder for producing log of web material, selectively with or without a winding core